Industry resources that further validate our position in the market
Average wages for non-managers at restaurants and bars hit $15 an hour in May, but many say no amount of pay would get them to return. They are leaving at the highest rate in decades.
The hospitality and leisure industry is facing a desperate struggle to recruit and hire workers as the pandemic wanes and economic demand grows.
Sweeping technological advances have created major growth opportunities in the insurance industry, both for industry leaders and for innovative third-party providers.
The industry is on the verge of a seismic, tech-driven shift. A focus on four areas can position carriers to embrace this change.
Despite market complexity, many opportunities exist for private equity players to create value in insurance. We studied the US industry and offer a set of investment recommendations to guide PE firms’ decisions.
There has never been a better time for an entrepreneur to create and scale a startup. Insurtechs are a great example: digital challengers and enablers in the insurance space received a boost in 2019.
Insurance companies should pay close attention to insurtechs—not because they’re coming to attack, but because they're coming to collaborate. For established insurers, insurtechs can be digital enablers that drive the adoption of digital technologies.
Rather than fear the disruptive potential of insurtechs, commercial insurance executives should view them as a catalyst for digitization.
Insurance companies have the opportunity to create new sources of revenue by rethinking their traditional roles and adopting an ecosystem mind-set.
There is a shift in the global insurance market where companies with legacy infrastructure are adapting to a more digital-first business model approach and are in the process of application modernization.
Incumbents need to keep their eyes out for new entrants that use technology to create a strategic advantage. The size of their share in the next generation of the insurance industry is at stake.